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Badem-Korkmaz, F. & Balaman, U. (2022). Eliciting student participation in video-mediated EFL classroom interactions: Focus on teacher response-pursuit practices. Computer Assisted Language Learning

Büyükgüzel, S. & Balaman, U. (2022). The spatial organization of hybrid scrum meetings: A multimodal conversation analysis study. Discourse & Communication

Mirici, I.H., Güneş, H., Yetkin, R., Yıldırım-Altınok, B., Ekin, S., Ataberk, B., Sayın, I., Yılmaz, S. (2022). A case study of the needs analysis for an ELT department cirriculum in Turkey. International Journal of Cirriculum and Instruction, 14, 1846-1879.

Özturan, T., & Gürdal, H. H. U. (2022). Mediating Multilingual Immigrant Learners’ L2 Writing Through Interactive Dynamic Assessment. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science15(2), 307-326.

Bozbıyık, M., & Uysal, H. H. (2022). A closer look at the doctoral writing practices in an English-medium instruction university in Turkey. English as the Medium of Instruction in Turkish Higher Education, 40, 175-196.

Çolak, F., & Balaman, U. (2022). The use of online dictionaries in video-mediated L2 interactions for the social accomplishment of Virtual Exchange tasks. System, 106, 1-14.

Badem-Korkmaz, F., Ekin, S., & Balaman, U. (2022). Pre-service language teachers’ resistance to teacher trainer advice on task design for video-mediated L2 interaction. Classroom Discourse, 1-19.

Jakonen, T., Dooly, M., & Balaman, U. (2022). Interactional practices in technology-rich L2 environments in and beyond the physical borders of the classroom. Classroom Discourse13(2), 111-118.

Balaman, U., & Doehler, S. P. (2022). Navigating the complex social ecology of screen-based activity in video-mediated interaction. Pragmatics32(1), 54-79.

Rezalou, A., & Altay, I. F. (2022). Strategies for Developing Autonomy by EFL Learners and Its Relation to Foreign Language Achievement. Shanlax International Journal of Education10(3), 79-85.

Bozbıyık, M. & Can-Daşkın, N. (2022). Peer involvement in dealing with teacher’s insufficient response to student initiatives. Linguistics and Education, 69, 1-14.